By Jamas.
Your preflight safety briefing is normally given by your pilot and should include the use seat belts, how to buckle and unbuckle them.
Location and means of opening doors, emergency exits and, for over water flights, ditching procedure and the use of flotation equipment. Most helicopters are equipped with a main rotor and a tail rotor. Great care should be taken if you board a helicopter while the rotors are turning.
Avoid the rear of the helicopter where the tail rotor is located.
Crouch low before reaching and going under the main rotor system.
Approach the helicopter in line of the pilot's vision and always make eye contact with the pilot before you approach.
If the helicopter is located on a slope, do not approach or depart the helicopter on the up slope side. Avoid the area of lowest rotor clearance and approach the helicopter from the front, never from the rear.
Never open the doors of the helicopter during flight or on the ground and never unbuckle your seat belt or shoulder harness unless directed to do so by the pilot or other crew members.
The sensation of flying in a helicopter is very different from that of a fixed wing aircraft. If you are sitting in the front with the pilot and there are no sick bags available, the safest option is to pull open the front of your shirt, sweater or T-shirt and use this area to contain any vomit. This will prevent the pilot, pilot's instruments and windshield being covered. The pilot and other passengers will be very grateful to you.